Mini Cruise Giannutri & Giglio
4 March 2015
Why a guided tour
4 March 2015


For centuries in Maremma has established a special feeling between man, nature and horse. Our Butteri are an obvious example. Riding The originals of these legendary knights, their customs and traditions have led to lifestyles still alive in this land. For those who want to be guided to the knowledge of the wild and unspoilt Maremma and its way agricultural and rocky riding horses expertly trained, suggest itineraries that will revive lost sensations.
The equestrian guides will accompany you on the path that best suits your preferences and skill levels, to discover beautiful landscapes in contact with nature.
You can choose, for the more experienced horse riding for an hour or more, days on horseback with a picnic or for principainti, lessons in the rod inside the stables.